How to create a facebook fun page

 Creating a Facebook fan page for your blog can be frustrating, especially if you are trying to keep your personal identity separate from your blog identity. However, it should not be complicated - if you see how easy it is, you will be ready to meet people!

First of all, let me tell you it is okay to log into your personal Facebook account when you create your fan page. When I did the first one, I was afraid that my last name, personal profile, or other information would be linked to it. After stopping and checking it on my son's profile, however, I learned that I was worried about nothing. If you set up with a different email address, it will be much harder to manage because of all the login and login.

Second, while some people like to set up a regular Facebook profile with their blog name, it is best to set up a fan page. That way your fans can “love” your blog without having to add you as a friend, and the page activities will be easier to manage.

Well, with that news out there, here's what you do:

1. Go to to get started.

2. Enter the name of the page you want, select a category, and add a description to the left of the screen:

Facebook categories are constantly changing, so it’s hard to tell you which option to choose. I have chosen the Entertainment Website in this example but you may need a different option depending on what type of website or blog you have.

3. Click the Create Page button at the bottom left.

4. Next you will be asked to upload a profile picture and / or photo cover page. If you have a logo, this might be a good time to upload it. If not, feel free to skip this step - you can add photos later.
5. Disable WhatsApp mode? The next thing I saw was a modal that motivated me to connect to WhatsApp, which should be new. I just clicked the X in the top right corner to remove it, but feel free to connect if you are a WhatsApp fan!

6. Finish setting up your page. From here your page is suspended! You will see a number of information to add more information, invite friends to like your page, etc.

7. Make sure you set your @Username name! Under the heading of your page, you will see a link to create a username. This makes your page URL URL instead of a longer character unit like so it is very important.

8. You're done! There are some things you will need to do, such as say your Facebook fan page on your blog, with a link or a button to get people to “like it,” but other than that, your fan page is already set up and ready to post.

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